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Whakatāne District Aquatic Centre Outdoor Pool Enclosure – Feasibility Study

Whakatane District Council

Whakatāne District Aquatic Centre Outdoor Pool Enclosure – Feasibility Study

The reason for this report was to provide the Committee with the findings of the feasibility study completed to identify options for enclosing the outdoor pool at the Whakatāne District Aquatic Centre to provide 12 month use of the facility. The enclosing of the outdoor pool will provide additional water/lane space during the autumn and winter to meet current and future demand for the provision of aquatics programmes, club membership and public recreational use. This report presents costs and options on enclosure structures, installation of alternative energy options (solar heating), external funding sources and estimated costs associated with the capital costs of the project and operational costs for the operation of the facility for an additional 23 weeks per annum.

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