Tairawhiti Employment Skills Strategy
Tairawhiti Employment Skills Steering Group

Managed by a steering group included representatives of Tairawhiti Polytechnic, Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, Gisborne Herald, Gisborne District Council, Chamber of Commerce, Employers and Manufacturers' Association, Eastland Community Trust, Te Runanga O Ngati Porou, Te Runanga O Turanganui-a-Kiwa and Ministry of Social Development. Involved extensive community consultation, including surveys and workshops of businesses sectors split into:
1. Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry.
2. Professional, Business and Government Services.
3. Retail, Wholesale, Tourism, Hospitality and Personal Services.
4. Manufacturing, Engineering, construction and Transport Sector.
5. Education, Health and Other Social Services Sector.
The outcome of this strategy was to ensure that employer and employee needs are meet in the Tairawhiti Region. The strategy identified and addressed the region's present and future skill shortages by coordination, facilitation, cooperation, leadership, implementation and relationship management with people, business, organisations and governments. The outcome of this process aimed to increase economic activity, additional community wealth, higher standards of living, raised individual skill levels, an expanded Tairawhiti’ workforce and inspired youth in the region.